Native American Tales
Episode 6: Tales of Iktomi, the Spider-Man (Sioux)
Episode 28: Tales of the Little People (Iroquois/Haudenosaunee)
Episode 53: "The Hermit's Hut" (Iroquois/Haudenosaunee)
Episode 60: "The Hero Twins" (Navajo)
Episode 67: "Orpheus" (Cherokee)
Episode 77: Raven Tales (Haida)
Episode 85: "The Sister and Her Seven Brothers" (Cheyenne) and "The Skeleton Woman" (Inuit)
Episode 115: "Keewahkwee" (Abenaki)
Episode 116: "Cheyenne Tales of Body Horror" (Cheyenne)
Episode 134: "Grandmother's Skull" (Inuit)
Episode 139: "The Punishment of the Witches" (Iroquois/Haudenosaunee) and "The Beluga Skin Bedaarka" (Alutiiq)